
These Programs are starting points for performance improvement and are tailored to fit organizational needs. Please read the essence of each framework and give us a call to explore them further.



Organizations find many benefits when they know their level of maturity. Performance expectations can be projected and roadmaps to improvement can be drawn. Guessing is reduced to a minimum. The Organizational Maturity Program assesses an organization’s maturity, creates an improvement plan, and guides the cultural transformation. The program is based on the Baldrige Performance Excellence methodology.


Organizations that truly manage their resources can determine the capability of a business. The degree of quality, quantity, and speed of these resources identify if an organization is capable of meeting market demands. Excessive optimism and desire for growth often get in the way of the true capability of a business with ill-defined competencies and sub-optimal capacity. The Organizational Capability Program helps improve quality (via defect reduction), increase speed (by reducing waste) and is based on the Lean Six Sigma methodology.


It starts with organizational culture - the overt or covert collection of the mindsets, beliefs, and behaviors espoused by the staff of an organization. Professionals need to work well alone and in teams; competencies can be learned and aligned with the existing or desired culture. The Individual & Teamwork Performance Program addresses how to increase professionalism and teamwork, and how to facilitate improvements in projects. A variety of tools and methods are used depending on the needs of organizations.


Organizations are (or should be) always changing to meet the needs of their markets. While change is good, knowing how to change and adapt are key. The Change Management and Assimilation Program provides the framework that enables organizations to transform from an undesired current state (the “as is”) to a desired future state (the “to be”). Successful change initiatives are better served when they occur within a proper structure, where people are trained, communications are aligned, and transformational efforts are integrated across functions.